The First Eleven

Tuesday 6 April 2010

The First Eleven

Did God make the world in seven days? Does it matter if He didn’t? Whom did Cain marry? And how did Noah get all those animals on the ark?
This isn’t a book about cricket – it’s a series of sermons written about the “First Eleven” chapters of Genesis. (You can read the contents page below.) First preached in Devon, England, in 2006, Ian Cameron explains the importance of understanding these chapters to ensure a right understanding of the Christian faith. The questions above are all considered and a clear position is argued. This short (yet readable) volume will prove helpful and thought-provoking reading for Christians, Bible students and anyone else wishing to further his or her understanding of the Christian faith.
About the author:
Ian was raised in New Zealand but moved to England in 2001 to work as a school teacher. Feeling called into full-time Christian ministry, Ian left teaching and studied at Oak Hill Bible College for three years – he distinguished himself as being the only student in his year-group who failed to obtain a degree! Although this was a disappointment, Ian was greatly consoled by meeting his future wife at Oak Hill. He is now happily married and has five children. You can read his thoughts at 'The Servant of All' (click here.)

The First Eleven is still available through online retailers, but it is not the only publication Ian has written. You can read about his new book by clicking here.

Contents page

Contents page